All the Skills and Tools You Need to Confidently Begin Outdoor Ecotherapy

Imagine having your dream career
and getting to work in nature


  • You're tired of working inside an office all day

  • You are already working with clients as a therapist, coach or helper of some kind

  • You find nature to be one of the greatest healers

  • You have found personal growth most effective when it was felt in your body

  • You want to deepen your relationship with nature

  • You want to learn how to be in right relationship with your land and its original inhabitants

  • You want to work with clients outdoors but have no idea where to start....

You want to work with clients outdoors?

We are here to show you that you can create a beautiful relationship with your clients, allowing you to deepen your work with them, using one of the best allies you could ever have - NATURE.

In this course, you will learn: 

  • How to safely and effectively work with your clients outside
  • How to be in right relationship with the land you're working on
  • How to transfer your work into the outdoor setting
  • How to assess your clients in whether they are suitable to be taken outside
  • What legal and ethical issues you need to be aware of and how to manage them
  • How to reflect upon and improve your relationship with the original inhabitants of the land where you live and work
  • What physical safety concerns you need to track and manage to keep you and your clients safe

And you will receive practice management tools to keep for your own use:

  • Our Ecotherapy Starter Handout Set including...
    • Law & Ethics Study Guide- What to Watch For
    • Study Guide- How to Manage Potential Interruptions & Breaches of Confidentiality
    • Checklist- Preparation for Outdoor Sessions
    • Example Informed Consent and Waiver for Outdoor Sessions
    • Example Health Screening Form
    • Cultural Identity Specific Outdoor and Environmental Groups & Resources

Course curriculum

(See FREE PREVIEWS below in Lessons 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.13 & 3.15)

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
    • 3.1- Chapter 3 Introduction & Key Concepts

    • 3.2- Presentation: Indoor vs. Outdoor Therapy- Is It Really That Different?

    • 3.3 Video: Expanded Ethical Considerations for the Outdoor Ecotherapist

    • 3.4 Video: Expanded Roles & Competencies for the Outdoor Ecotherapist

    • 3.5- Presentation- Managing Your Expanded Roles- and Opportunities!

    • 3.6- Video: Holding the Therapeutic Container & Role Clarity in Outdoor Ecotherapy Sessions

    • 3.7- Video: Intro to Client Scenario Demonstrations

    • 3.8- Downloadable Reading: Law & Ethics Study Guide: What to Watch Out For...

    • 3.9- Video: Blurred Roles Client Scenario

    • 3.10- Reflection & Application Questions: Blurred Roles Client Scenario

    • 3.11- Video: Debrief on Blurred Roles Client Scenario

    • 3.12- Video: Confidentiality Outdoors

    • 3.13- Video: Confidentiality Interruptions Client Scenario

    • 3.14- Reflection & Application Questions: Confidentiality Interruptions Client Scenario

    • 3.15- Video: Debrief of Confidentiality Interruptions Client Scenario

    • 3.16- Downloadable Reading: Study Guide- How to Manage Potential Interruptions & Breaches of Confidentiality

  4. 4
    • 4.1- Chapter 4 Introduction & Key Concepts

    • 4.2- Video: Managing Risk & Safety

    • 4.3- Video: Permits

    • 4.4- Presentation: The Risk Management Triangle & Seeking Liability Insurace

    • 4.5 Downloadable Reading: Example Informed Consent Form & Health Screening Form

    • 4.6- Reading: Law & Ethics Study Guide: What to Watch Out For...

    • 4.7- Video: Giving Your Client a Ride Scenario

    • 4.8- Reflection Questions & Application: Giving Your Client a Ride Scenario

    • 4.9- Video: Debrief of Giving Your Client a Ride Scenario

    • 4.10- Video: Injured Client Scenario

    • 4.11- Reflection Questions & Application: Injured Client Scenario

    • 4.12- Video: Debrief of Injured Client Scenario

    • 4.13- Video: Lost Client Dilemma Scenario

    • 4.14- Reflection Questions & Application: Lost Client Dilemma Scenario

    • 4.15- Video: Debrief of Lost Client Dilemma

  5. 5
    • 5.1- Chapter 5 Introduction & Key Concepts

    • 5.2- Video: Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Ecotherapy

    • 5.3- Reading: Review of Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Ecotherapy

    • 5.4- Reading: Model of Social Location, Identity, & Systemic Oppression

    • 5.5- Reading: Culturally/Identity Specific Outdoors and Environmental Groups

    • 5.6- Reflection Questions & Application: Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Ecotherapy

    • 5.7- Video: Practice Lineages & Cultural Appropriation

    • 5.8- Reading: Practice Lineages & Cultural Appropriation

    • 5.9- Reflection Questions & Application: Practice Lineages & Cultural Appropriation

    • 5.10- Video: Right Relationship with Land & Indigenous Peoples

    • 5.11- Reading: Right Relationship with Land & Indigenous Peoples

    • 5.12- Video Reflection Questions & Application: Right Relationship with Land & Indigenous Peoples

    • 5.13- Reflection Questions & Application: Right Relationship with Land & Indigenous Peoples

    • 5.14- Video: Nature Reciprocity

    • 5.15- Reflection Questions & Application: Nature Reciprocity

  6. 6
    • 6.1- Chapter 6 Introduction & Key Concepts

    • 6.2- Video: Client Assessment & Screening for Outdoor Sessions

    • 6.3 Downloadable Reading: Checklist- Preparation for Outdoor Sessions

    • 6.4: Downloadable Reading: Example Informed Consent & Waiver for Outdoor Therapy Sessions

    • 6.5- Downloadable Reading: Example Health Screening Form

    • 6.6- Video: Demonstration of Informed Consent Conversation & Preparing Your Client for Outdoor Sessions

    • 6.7- Reflection Questions & Application: Assessment & Preparation for Outdoor Sessions

  7. 7
    • 7.1- Chapter 7 Introduction & Key Concepts

    • 7.3- Video: Introduction to Ecotherapy Demonstration Session

    • 7.4- Video: Ecotherapy Demonstration Session

    • 7.6- Reflection and Application Questions: Visioning Your Path as an Ecotherapist

    • 7.7- Video: Closing & Thank you

    • 7.8- Acknowledgments & Credits

    • 7.9- Course Completion Page

  8. 8
    • How to get your CE credits

    • 8.1 Chapter 1 Quiz- 4 Questions

    • 8.2 Chapter 2 Quiz- 4 Questions

    • 8.3 Chapter 3 Quiz- 35 Questions

    • 8.4 Chapter 4 Quiz- 35 Questions

    • 8.5 Chapter 5 Quiz- 35 Questions

    • 8.6 Chapter 6 Quiz- 7 Questions

    • 8.7 Chapter 7 Quiz- 5 Questions

  9. 9
    • 9. Course Assessment and Evaluation Survey

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Continuing Education Credits: 

20 CE credits available for this program  

(for an additional fee of $75)

Information on Continuing Education Credit for Health Professionals

  • CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
  • The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
  • LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFTs, and other mental health professionals from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.
  • SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain their certificate of attendance for 4 years after the course concludes.
  • For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact Wilderness Reflections at [email protected]

For questions about CE, contact Spiritual Competency Academy at [email protected].

Licensure hours- ACSWs, AMFTs and other interns may count hours towards licensure.